.. _DIST_MODULE_GENTOO: platformids.dist.gentoo ======================= Module Gentoo Linux \[:ref:`doc `]. Description ----------- .. _GENTOOLINUX_VERSIONID: Rolling Version Identifier ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The current version of *GentooLinux* does not seem to support the current state of the installation, even not the build release of the install medium by the runtime system. Thus the *platformids* provide as the basic information of the installation state for now the last modification time of the package database *mtimedb* of the *emerge* command: .. parsed-literal:: /var/cache/edb/mtimedb With the values by *os.stat*: .. parsed-literal:: release-version := (, , ) or as a formatted string in accordance to the ISO naming convention: .. parsed-literal:: release-version-str := "%d%02d%02d" (, , ) This information is due to several scenarios not reliable, but to say 1. better than none 2. probably not so bad, even though not each mod results from a full upgrade .. warning:: Do not mixup this release state information with the release of the actual installation media. And once again, the provided release information by *platformids* is basically reliable after an upgrade only, e.g.: emerge --update --deep --with-bdeps=y @world Source ------ .. literalincludewrap:: _static/dist/gentoo.py :language: python :linenos: Download -------- `gentoo.py <../_static/dist/gentoo.py>`_