Source code for platformids.platforms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The module 'platforms' provides the class for the representation of platform parameters.
This includes the scan of the current platform and the calculation of arbitrary hexadecimal
labels for the fast processing of repetitive comparisons.

The supported implementations are: CPython, IPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy.

# See manuals for the detailed API.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import platform
import re

from pythonids.pythondist import ISINT
# from platformids import _debug, _verbose
import platformids
from platformids import RTE, ISSTR, RTE_DIST, RTE_GENERIC

__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Arno-Can Uestuensoez" \
                " @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__version__ = '0.1.35'
__uuid__ = "7add5ded-c39b-4b6e-8c87-1b3a1c150ee9"

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

# : The corresponding *bash* environment names for print out.
bash_map = {
    'category': "CATEGORY",
    'dist': "DIST",
    'distrel': "DISTREL",
    'distrel_hexversion': "distrel_hexversion",
    'distrel_key': "DISTRIBUTION_KEY",
    'distrel_name': "DISTRIBUTION_NAME",
    'distrel_version': "DISTRIBUTION_VERSION",
    'ostype': "OSTYPE",
    'ostype_id': "OS_ID",
    'ostype_version': "OS_VERSION",

    'cpu': "CPU",
    'cpudata': "CPUDATA",

# : The mapping of attributes to values for pretty print.
attribute_map = {
    'category': "category",
    'dist': "dist",
    'distrel': "distrel",
    'distrel_hexversion': "distrel_hexversion",
    'distrel_key': "distribution_key",
    'distrel_name': "distribution_name",
    'distrel_version': "distribution_version",
    'ostype': "ostype",
    'ostype_id': "ostype_id",
    'ostype_version': "ostype_version",

    'cpu': "cpu",
    'cpudata': "cpudata",

if platformids.osname in ('nt', 'cygwin'):
    # specials for ostype NT for bash print outs and pretty print
        'wServicePack': "WSERVICEPACK",
        'wProductType': "WPRODUCTTYPE",
        'wSuiteMask': "WSUITEMASK",

        'wServicePack': "wServicePack",
        'wProductType': "wProductType",
        'wSuiteMask': "wSuiteMask",

[docs]class PlatformParametersError(platformids.PlatformIDsError): pass
[docs]class PlatformParameters(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Creates an empty object. No automatic call of *PlatformParameters.scan()*. The instance could be either initialized by the provided parameters, or remains empty - which is zero *0*. Each call of *PlatformParameters.scan()* replaces the previous values. Args: args: Optional positional parameters in the following order. The corresponding keyword-arguments dominate. :: args[0] := category args[1] := ostype args[2] := dist args[3] := distrel kargs: category: The *category* for initialization. default := 0 ostype: The *ostype* for initialization. default := 0 dist: The *dist* for initialization. default := 0 distrel: The *distrel* for initialization. default := 0 Returns: Initial instance, optionally initialized by the provided parameters. Raises: pass-through """ self.category = self.ostype = self.distrel_hexversion = self.wProductType = self.wSuiteMask = 0 self.dist = self.distrel = 0 self.distrel_name = self.distrel_key = '' self.ostype_id = self.ostype_id = '' self.distrel_version = self.ostype_version = [] # # first check positional arguments # self.osrel_sp = [] _myargs = list(args) if _myargs: self.category = _myargs[0] #: category _myargs.pop(0) if _myargs: self.ostype = _myargs[0] #: ostype - cumulated sub-vector _myargs.pop(0) if _myargs: self.dist = _myargs[0] #: dist - cumulated sub-vector _myargs.pop(0) if _myargs: self.distrel_hexversion = self.distrel = _myargs[0] #: distrel - cumulated sub-vector # _myargs.pop(0) # # second check keyword arguments, when present superpose current values # self.category = kargs.get('category', self.category) self.ostype = kargs.get('ostype', self.ostype) self.dist = kargs.get('dist', self.dist) self.distrel_hexversion = self.distrel = kargs.get('distrel', self.distrel)
[docs] def __and__(self, other): """The *&* operator for the resulting *hexversion*: :: self-bitmask & other-bitmask Args: other: The bitmask for operations. :: other := ( <int-32bit-mask> # compare with hexversion | <dictionary>) # compare keys only | <tuple>) # compare key-index only | <instance-of-PlatformParameters> # compare both hexversions ) Returns: The resulting bitmask as numeric value. Raises: pass-through """ if not self.distrel_hexversion: self.distrel_hexversion = self.get_hexversion() if isinstance(other, int): return self.distrel_hexversion & other elif isinstance(other, PlatformParameters): return self.distrel_hexversion & other.get_hexversion() elif isinstance(other, dict): # use other as init parameters - simply trust or pass exception return self.distrel_hexversion & PlatformParameters(**other).get_hexversion() elif isinstance(other, tuple): return self.distrel_hexversion & PlatformParameters(*other).get_hexversion() raise platformids.PlatformIDsError("type not supported: other = " + str(other))
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Supports standard comparison with the types *PlatformParameters*, and *dict*. In case of a dict the attributes are used as keys literally. Args: other: The instannce to be compared. The comparison is provided as: * literal contents of objects: literally for objects *PlatformParameters*, or partially for *dict*. * partial hierarchical matches The partial comparison is based on the keys provided by the dictionary argument. Only attributes with a corresponding key are compared. The following items are handled specially: distrel_version, ostype_version: The present values are compared only, e.g. the following is considered as *True* :: self.distrel_version = [1, 2, 3] other.distrel_version = [1, 2,] TRUE: self.distrel_version == other.distrel_version While still: :: self.distrel_version = [1, 2, 3] other.distrel_version = [1, 2, 7] FALSE: self.distrel_version == other.distrel_version distrel: Valuesa are compared by *startswith()* e.g. the following is considered as *True* :: self.distrel = 'fedora-27.0.0' other.distrel = 'fedora-27.0' TRUE: self.distrel == other.distrel While still: :: self.distrel = 'fedora-27.0.0' other.distrel = 'fedora-27.0.1' FALSE: self.distrel == other.distrel * integer bit masks Special treatment of integers is provided: * *category*: When a valid *category*, *self.category* is compared only. * *ostype*: When a valid *ostype*, *self.ostype* is compared only. * *dist* and/or *distrel*: The value is compared to the same maximal extend. Returns: True: relevant parts are equal - see args. False: else Raises: KeyError AttributeError """ res = False if type(other) in ISINT: # some special type comparison # hex id of dist and/or distrel if self.distrel_hexversion == other: return True elif ( self.distrel_hexversion & RTE_DIST == other and other & RTE_DIST == other # it is actually a dist only ): return True return False elif isinstance(other, PlatformParameters): return self.distrel_hexversion == other.get_hexversion() elif isinstance(other, dict): # compare selected keys only res = True for k, v in other.items(): try: if k in ("osrel_sp", "wProductType", "wSuiteMask"): if self.ostype in ('nt', 'cygwin'): res &= self.__dict__[k] == v else: res = False elif k in ("distrel_version", "ostype_version",): res &= self.__dict__['distrel_version'][:len(v)] == v elif k == "distrel": res &= self.__dict__['distrel'] == v else: res &= self.__dict__[k] == v except KeyError: res = False elif isinstance(other, tuple): # compare selected keys only res = True self.osrel_sp = [] _myargs = list(other) if _myargs: res &= self.category == _myargs[0] _myargs.pop(0) if _myargs: res &= self.ostype == _myargs[0] _myargs.pop(0) if _myargs: res &= self.dist == _myargs[0] _myargs.pop(0) if _myargs: res &= self.distrel == _myargs[0] _myargs.pop(0) return res
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Gets the value of an attribute. """ return self.__dict__[key]
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Iterates the non-private attribute names. """ for k in self.__dict__.keys(): if k[0] != '_': yield k
[docs] def items(self): """Yields the non-private attributes as key-value-pairs. """ for k in self.__dict__.keys(): if k[0] != '_': yield (k, self.__dict__[k],)
[docs] def keys(self): """Yields the non-private attribute names. """ for k in self.__dict__.keys(): if k[0] != '_': yield k
[docs] def __len__(self): """Counts and returns the number of non-private attributes - not starting with underscore. """ l = 0 for k in self.__dict__.keys(): if k[0] != '_': l += 1 return l
[docs] def values(self): """Yields the values of non-private attributes. """ for k in self.__dict__.keys(): if k[0] != '_': yield self.__dict__[k]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, val): """Standard set. """ self.__dict__[key] = val
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def __repr__(self): res = ( '{"category": "%s", "ostype": "%s", "dist": "%s", "distrel": "%s", ' '"distrel_name": "%s", "distrel_key": "%s", ' '"distrel_version": %s, "ostype_version": %s, "distrel_hexversion": %s, "ostype_id": %s, "ostype_id": %s}') % ( str(self.category), str(self.ostype), str(self.dist), str(self.distrel), str(self.distrel_name), str(self.distrel_key), str(self.distrel_version), str(self.ostype_version), str(self.distrel_hexversion), str(self.ostype_id), str(self.ostype_id) ) if self.ostype in ('nt', 'cygwin'): res += '"wServicePack": %s, ' % str(self.osrel_sp) res += '"wProductType": %s, ' % str(self.wProductType) res += '"wSuiteMask": %s' % str(self.wSuiteMask) res += "}" return res
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.pretty_format(type='str')
[docs] def pretty_format(self, raw=False, **kargs): """ Formats and returns a string of attributes. Args: raw: Controls the use of the value types:: raw := ( True # prints the internal types | False # prints the symbolic names where applicable ) default := False kargs: quiet: Supress standard display contents. default := False terse: Format for postprocessing. default := False type: Defines the type for the output:: type := ( bashvars | json | raw | repr | str ) default := str Returns: Formatted string of attributes. Raises: TypeError pass-through """ _type = kargs.get('type', 'str') _terse = kargs.get('terse', False) _quiet = kargs.get('quiet', False) _select = kargs.get( 'select', attribute_map.keys() ) res = "" def _get_value_str(v): if raw: return str(self.__getattribute__(k)) else: return str(self.__getattribute__(attribute_map.get(k))) print("4TEST:a") if _type in ('str',): try: for k in sorted(_select): if _terse and _quiet: res += "\n%s" % (_get_value_str(k)) elif _terse: res += "\n%s=%s" % (str(k), _get_value_str(k)) else: res += "\n%-25s = %s" % (str(k), _get_value_str(k)) except TypeError as e: exinfo = sys.exc_info() exinfo[1].args += ( "%s attribute error for str-map key: %s" %(str(self.__class__.__name__), str(k), ), ) raise elif _type in ('raw',): try: for k in _select: if _terse and _quiet: res += "\n%s" % (_get_value_str(k)) else: res += "\n%s=%s" % (str(k), _get_value_str(k)) except TypeError as e: exinfo = sys.exc_info() exinfo[1].args += ( "%s attribute error for raw-map key: %s" %(str(self.__class__.__name__), str(k), ), ) raise elif _type in ('repr',): if _terse and _quiet: res = '[' else: res = '{' for k in _select: if type(k) in ISSTR: _k = '"%s"' % k else: _k = '%s' % str(k) try: v = _get_value_str(k) except TypeError as e: exinfo = sys.exc_info() exinfo[1].args += ( "%s attribute error for repr-map key: %s" %(str(self.__class__.__name__), str(k), ), ) raise if type(v) in ISSTR: _v = '"%s"' % v else: _v = '%s' % str(v) if _terse and _quiet: res += '%s, ' % (_v) else: res += '%s: %s, ' % (_k, _v) if _terse and _quiet: res += ']' else: res += '}' elif _type in ('json',): try: # REMINDER: For now dropped due to layering architecture. # if _terse: # sys.stdout.write(repr(JSONData(self.get_json(select=_select)))) # else: # sys.stdout.write(str(JSONData(self.get_json(select=_select)))) if _terse: sys.stdout.write(repr(self.get_json(select=_select))) else: sys.stdout.write(str(self.get_json(select=_select))) sys.stdout.write('\n') except TypeError as e: raise TypeError( str(e) +"\n\nTypeError: Check the contents of the environment variables for JSON conformity," +"\n and/or Choose another output format.\n" ) elif _type in ('bashvars',): for k in _select: v = _get_value_str(k) if type(v) in ISSTR: res += "\n%s='%s'" % ( str(bash_map.get(k)), _get_value_str(k) ) elif type(v) in (list, tuple): res += "\ntypeset -a %s" % (str(bash_map.get(k))) res += "\n%s=%s" % ( str(bash_map.get(k)), str(tuple(_get_value_str(k))) ) elif type(v) is dict: res += "\ntypeset -A %s" % (str(bash_map.get(k))) res += "\n%s=(" % (str(bash_map.get(k))) for k0 in v.keys(): res += '"\n %s[%s]="%a' % ( str(bash_map.get(k)), str(bash_map.get(k0)), str(tuple(_get_value_str(k))) ) res += "\n)" else: res += "\n%s=%s" % ( str(bash_map.get(k)), _get_value_str(k) ) print("4TEST:b:<" + str(res) + ">") print("4TEST:c:") return res
[docs] def __iand__(self, other): """The in-place *&* operator for the resulting *hexversion*: :: self-bitmask &= other-bitmask Args: other: The bitmask for operations. :: other := (<int-32bit-mask> | <instance-of-PlatformParameters>) Returns: The resulting bitmask as numeric value. Raises: pass-through """ if not self.distrel_hexversion: self.distrel_hexversion = self.get_hexversion() if isinstance(other, int): self.distrel_hexversion &= other return self elif isinstance(other, PlatformParameters): self.distrel_hexversion &= other.get_hexversion() return self elif isinstance(other, dict): self.distrel_hexversion &= PlatformParameters(**other).get_hexversion() return self elif isinstance(other, tuple): self.distrel_hexversion &= PlatformParameters(*other).get_hexversion() return self raise platformids.PlatformIDsError("type not supported: other = " + str(other))
[docs] def __int__(self): """ The cast operator into the botmask: :: int(self) == self-bitmask Args: none Returns: The resulting bitmask of self as numeric value. Raises: pass-through """ if not self.distrel_hexversion: self.distrel_hexversion = self.get_hexversion() return self.distrel_hexversion
[docs] def __ior__(self, other): """The in-place *|* operator for the resulting *hexversion*:: self-bitmask |= other-bitmask Args: other: The bitmask for operations. :: other := (<int-32bit-mask> | <instance-of-PlatformParameters>) Returns: The resulting bitmask as numeric value. Raises: pass-through """ if not self.distrel_hexversion: self.distrel_hexversion = self.get_hexversion() if isinstance(other, int): self.distrel_hexversion |= other return self elif isinstance(other, PlatformParameters): self.distrel_hexversion |= other.get_hexversion() return self elif isinstance(other, dict): self.distrel_hexversion |= PlatformParameters(**other).get_hexversion() return self elif isinstance(other, tuple): self.distrel_hexversion |= PlatformParameters(*other).get_hexversion() return self raise platformids.PlatformIDsError("type not supported: other = " + str(other))
[docs] def __or__(self, other): """The *|* operator for the resulting *hexversion*: :: self-bitmask | other-bitmask Args: other: The bitmask for operations. :: other := (<int-32bit-mask> | <instance-of-PlatformParameters>) Returns: The resulting bitmask as numeric value. Raises: pass-through """ if not self.distrel_hexversion: self.distrel_hexversion = self.get_hexversion() if isinstance(other, int): return self.distrel_hexversion | other elif isinstance(other, PlatformParameters): return self.distrel_hexversion | other.get_hexversion() elif isinstance(other, dict): # use other as init parameters - simply trust or pass exception return self.distrel_hexversion | PlatformParameters(**other).get_hexversion() elif isinstance(other, tuple): return self.distrel_hexversion | PlatformParameters(*other).get_hexversion() raise platformids.PlatformIDsError("type not supported: other = " + str(other))
[docs] def __rand__(self, other): """ The r-side *&* operator for the resulting *hexversion*: :: other-bitmask & self-bitmask Args: other: The bitmask for operations. :: other := (<int-32bit-mask> | <instance-of-PlatformParameters>) Returns: The resulting bitmask as numeric value. Raises: pass-through """ return self.__and__(other)
[docs] def __ror__(self, other): """ The right-side *|* operator for the resulting *hexversion*: :: other-bitmask | self-bitmask Args: other: The bitmask for operations. :: other := (<int-32bit-mask> | <instance-of-PlatformParameters>) Returns: The resulting bitmask as numeric value. Raises: pass-through """ return self.__or__(other)
[docs] def get_json(self, **kargs): """Returns a dictionary of attributes prepared to be processed as JSON data. Args: kargs: select: List of attributes to be returned. default: all non-private Returns: Dictionary of key-value-pairs. Raises: pass-through """ _select = kargs.get( 'select', attribute_map.keys() ) res = {} for k in _select: res[k] = self.__getattribute__(attribute_map.get(k)) return res
[docs] def scan(self): """Scans local platform for attributes specifying the underlying OS platform including the distribution. The provided data is consistent across all supported *Python* implementations including *Jython*. Internally calls *platformids.platformids.fetch_platform_distribution()*. * dist * distrel * distrel_hexversion * distrel_id * distrel_version * ostype * ostype_id * ostype_version """ # # Common standard data # # numeric bitmasks self.category = platformids.fetch_category() self.ostype = platformids.fetch_ostype() self.dist = platformids.fetch_dist() self.distrel = self.distrel_hexversion = RTE # # native platform string representation # # platform info - OS release self.ostype_key, self.ostype_version, self.ostype_version_num, self.ostype_id, = platformids.fetch_platform_os() # platform info - distribution release self.distribution = platformids.fetch_platform_distribution() ( self.distribution_key, self.distribution_version, self.distribution_name, self.distribution_name, self.distribution_version_num, self.distribution ) = platformids.fetch_platform_distribution() # # Common basic HW data # # CPU architecture self.cpu = platform.machine() try: self.cpudata = re.sub(r'bit', r'', platform.architecture()[0]) except: try: self.cpudata = int(self.cpu[-2:]) except: self.cpudata = 0 # for now... # # Jython with optional special data about Java and JVM # if platformids.isJython: # some optional data about Java _jv = platform.java_ver() self.java_version = tuple(int(x) for x in re.split(r'[._]',_jv[0])) try: self.javadata = int(re.sub(r'.*([0-9]+)-[Bb]it.*', r'\1', _jv[2][0])) # could be different from platform, e.g. 32 on 64 except: self.javadata = self.cpudata # for now... if re.sub(r'.*(HotSpot).*', r'\1', _jv[2][0]) == 'HotSpot': self.jvm = 'JHS' # Java-HotSpot else: self.jvm = None # for now... # # Cygwin or Windows with optional special data about Windows Product and SP/build # if self.ostype in ('cygwinnt', 'nt'): from platformids.dist.nt.windows_kernel32dll import get_win32_OSVersionInfoExa, \ get_win32_OSProductInfo osver = get_win32_OSVersionInfoExa() # @UndefinedVariable self.osrel_sp = [osver.wServicePackMajor, osver.wServicePackMinor] self.wProductType = osver.wProductType # ostype, server, workstation, domain-controller self.wSuiteMask = osver.wSuiteMask # the sub type - e.g. Ultimate, Enterprise, etc. pinfo = get_win32_OSProductInfo() # @UndefinedVariable self.wProductVariant = pinfo.pdwReturnedProductType if osver.wProductType == 1: # VER_NT_WORKSTATION self.dist = 'winws' elif osver.wProductType == 4: # VER_NT_IOT self.dist = 'iot' else: self.dist = 'wins'
# base - well-known - marketing name # self.distrel_name = "Windows%s" % (_uname[2]) # specialization extension - well-known too # self.distrel_name += str(prod_type_categories[prod_ext[self.wProductVariant]])
[docs] def get_hexversion(self): """Returns the hexversion of calculated platform from current parameters. The conversion is based on the table *platformids.platformids.rte2num*. """ res = None # 1. try version steps for rx in range(len(self.distrel_version), 0, -1): _kx = self.dist + ''.join(str(x) for x in self.distrel_version[:rx]) try: res = platformids.rte2num[_kx] break except KeyError: pass if res: return res res = RTE_GENERIC # generic fallback try: # complete distribution release key in canonical platformids format res = platformids.rte2num[self.distrel] except KeyError: try: # complete distribution release key in accordance to the project res = platformids.rte2num[self.distrel_key] except KeyError: try: # distribution without release information res = platformids.rte2num[self.dist] except KeyError: try: # os type, very basic, almost generic res = platformids.rte2num[self.ostype] except KeyError: try: # category - lets say more generic than specific, # even though POSIX or Windows defines a lot of # standrad interfaces res = platformids.rte2num[self.category] except KeyError: # keep the generic fallback pass return res
[docs] def get_oshexversion(self): """Returns the oshexversion calculated from current parameters. """ raise NotImplementedError("avaiable soon") return 0