Source code for platformids.__init__

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The package 'platformids' provides canonical enumerations of bit encoded numeric platform IDs
for the Python implementations CPython, IPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy.
# See manuals for the detailed API.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import sys
import re
import platform

# load Python syntax and implementation basics - requires support by 'pythonids.pythondist'
from pythonids import PYV35Plus,ISSTR, PYVxyz, PYV33, PYV2
from pythonids.pythondist import isJython, ISINT, PYDIST, PYE_DIST, PYE_JYTHON
from yapyutils.modules.loader import get_modulelocation, load_module

__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Arno-Can Uestuensoez" \
                " @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__version__ = '0.1.31'
__uuid__ = "7add5ded-c39b-4b6e-8c87-1b3a1c150ee9"

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

# central debug and verbose control of curretn package
_debug = 0
_verbose = 0

# static pre-compiled scanner

# version conversion and normalization
DSKORG_ID = re.compile(r'^(?s)ID=["\']*([^"\'\n\r]*).*')
DSKORG_ID_LIKE = re.compile(r'^(?s)ID_LIKE=["\']*([^"\'\n\r]*).*')
DSKORG_NAME_RELEASE = re.compile(r'(?s)^NAME=["\']*([^ ]*) *([^"\']*).*')
DSKORG_RELEASE = re.compile(r'(?s)^VERSION=["\']*([^"\']*)["\']*[^(]*[(]*([^)]*)[)]*.*')
DSKORG_VERSION = re.compile(r'(?s)^VERSION=["\']*([^"\']*)["\']*.*')
PRENONNUM = re.compile(r'([^0-9]+[^ \t0-9]).*')
VERSION_ID = re.compile(r'(?s)^VERSION_ID=["\']*([^"\']*)["\']*.*')
VERSNUM = re.compile(r'([0-9]+)[.]*([0-9]*)[.]*([0-9]*)')

# shared exceptions
[docs]class PlatformIDsError(Exception): """Subsystem *PlatformIDs*.""" pass
[docs]class PlatformIDsEnumerationError(PlatformIDsError): """Enumeration of dynamic assigned values.""" pass
[docs]class PlatformIDsUnknownError(PlatformIDsError): """Unknown value.""" pass
[docs]class PlatformIDsPresentError(PlatformIDsError): """Item already present, prohibited in strict mode.""" pass
[docs]class PlatformIDsCustomError(PlatformIDsError): """No more custom keys are available.""" pass
[docs]class PlatformIDsKeyError(PlatformIDsError): """Key invalid.""" pass
# # prepare Jython vs. others - the most significant impact on available libraries # if not isJython: try: osname = except AttributeError: # e.g. CirctuiPython, MicroPython raise NotImplementedError('requires special module') if PYV35Plus: PlatformIDsFileCheck = (FileNotFoundError,) # @UndefinedVariable else: PlatformIDsFileCheck = (Exception,) else: osname = os._name # @UndefinedVariable # set to the platform name PlatformIDsFileCheck = (IOError,) # @UndefinedVariable RTE = 0 #: the numeric bitmask record # # current platform as bit-array with following bitmasks # RTE_CATEGORY_B = 0xf0000000 # : bit: 31-28 RTE_OSTYPE_B = 0x0f800000 # : bit: 27-23 RTE_DIST_B = 0x007f0000 # : bit: 22-16 RTE_DISTREL_B = 0x0000ffff # : bit: 15-0 RTE_CATEGORY_OFFSET = 0x0fffffff # : bit: 28 RTE_OSTYPE_OFFSET = 0x007fffff # : bit: 23 RTE_DIST_OFFSET = 0x0000ffff # : bit: 16 RTE_DISTREL_OFFSET = 0x00000000 # : bit: 0 RTE_CATEGORY_SHIFT = 28 # : bit: 28 RTE_OSTYPE_SHIFT = 23 # : bit: 23 RTE_DIST_SHIFT = 16 # : bit: 16 RTE_DISTREL_SHIFT = 0 # : bit: 0 RTE_CATEGORY = 0xf0000000 # : bit: 31-28 RTE_OSTYPE = 0xff800000 # : bit: 31-23 RTE_DIST = 0xffff0000 # : bit: 31-16 RTE_DISTREL = 0xffffffff # : bit: 31-0 # # Distribution with optional non-standard version scheme and optional callback # the value is used as common offset for the *dist* defines # RTE_DISTEXT = 0x00400000 # : bit: 22 flag for distribution schemes with optional callback # # category # RTE_POSIX = 0x10000000 # : Posix systems using *fcntl* [POSIX]_. RTE_WIN32 = 0x20000000 # : all Windows systems RTE_WIN = 0x20000000 # : all Windows systems RTE_WINDOWS = 0x20000000 # : all Windows systems RTE_EMU = 0x40000000 # : Logical Emulation Layer - Meta-Category providing a bit RTE_PWEMU = 0x70000000 # : Cygwin [CYGWIN]_ - special virtual environment RTE_WPEMU = 0x50000000 # : Windows emulation on Posix RTE_EMBEDDED = 0x80000000 # : Embedded OS/dist # # ostype # # context: RTE_WIN32 RTE_NT = RTE_WIN32 + 0x00800000 # : all Windows workstation systems RTE_CYGWINNT = RTE_PWEMU + 0x00800000 # : all Windows workstation systems - the 'os.uname' is 'posix' # context: RTE_POSIX RTE_LINUX = RTE_POSIX + 0x00800000 # : all LINUX systems RTE_BSD = RTE_POSIX + 0x01000000 # : all BSD systems RTE_DARWIN = RTE_POSIX + 0x02000000 # : Darwin, as Posix OS/Core system RTE_UNIX = RTE_POSIX + 0x04000000 # : all UNIX systems # # dist # # context: RTE_POSIX.RTE_LINUX - standard distributions RTE_FEDORA = RTE_LINUX + 0x00010000 # : Fedora RTE_CENTOS = RTE_LINUX + 0x00020000 # : CentOS RTE_DEBIAN = RTE_LINUX + 0x00030000 # : Debian RTE_RHEL = RTE_LINUX + 0x00040000 # : RedHat Enterprise Linux RTE_SLES = RTE_LINUX + 0x00050000 # : Suse Enterprise Linux RTE_UBUNTU = RTE_LINUX + 0x00060000 # : Ubuntu RTE_OPENWRT = RTE_LINUX + 0x00070000 # : OpenWRT RTE_RASPBIAN = RTE_LINUX + 0x00080000 # : Raspbian # # *** rolling distributions *** # RTE_KALI = RTE_LINUX + RTE_DISTEXT + 0x00010000 # : Kali Linux - rolling dist RTE_ARCHLINUX = RTE_LINUX + RTE_DISTEXT + 0x00020000 #: ArchLinux - rolling dist # context: RTE_POSIX.RTE_UNIX RTE_SUNOS5 = RTE_UNIX + 0x00020000 # : UNIX/SunOS5 is Solaris RTE_SOLARIS = RTE_SUNOS5 # : UNIX/SunOS5 is Solaris # context: RTE_POSIX.RTE_DARWIN RTE_OSX = RTE_DARWIN + 0x00020000 # : Mac OS-X RTE_OSX is basically the short form of RTE_OSX10 RTE_OSX10 = RTE_OSX # : Mac OS-X v10.x, as Posix system [POSIX]_, no macpath-legacy. # context: RTE_POSIX.RTE_BSD RTE_OPENBSD = RTE_BSD + 0x00020000 # : OpenBSD # # category - perform basic platform identification # if 'posix' == osname: # unix, linux, bsd, osx if platform.system().startswith('CYGW'): # Cygwin category = RTE_PWEMU else: category = RTE_POSIX # TODO" RTE_WPEMU elif 'nt' == osname: # modern windows category = RTE_WIN32
[docs]class ProtectedDict(dict): """Implements a 'dict' with protection against modification of items. This is in order to protect a repository from erroneous modifications of it's entries by malicious code. The deletion is still supported, which is considered as intentional, thus done beeing aware of the consequences. The main intention for the *platformids* is to avoid inconsistencies of hard-coded values of assigned enumerations by runtime redefinitions. Unintentional redefinitions also may proof as hard to debug. The member attribute *self.strict_check* controls how new items are added: 0. single new item: add silently 1. single item which is already present: * strict_check == True: raises exception * strict_check == False: ignores silently 2. set of items, where none of the new set is present: add silently 3. set of items, where at least one is present: * strict_check == True: raises exception * strict_check == False: add silently new, ignore present silently The common variables such as central dictionaries are thus read-only protected during the runtime of the process. The response style for the attempt to alter a value could be modified - raised to a stronger level - by the attribute 'strict_check', which raises an exception once set. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """ Args: args: pass-through to dict kargs: non-defined are passed-through to dict int_keys_only: Controls type of valid keys. :: int_keys_only := ( True # permits interger keys only | False # permits any valid *dict* key ) strict_check: Defines the handling of values for present keys. :: True: when True raises exception for present items, False: silently ignores new values for present items Returns: Initialized object, or raises exception. Raises: pass-through """ self.strict_check = kargs.get('strict_check', False) try: kargs.pop('strict_check') except: pass self.int_keys_only = kargs.get('int_keys_only', False) try: kargs.pop('int_keys_only') except: pass super(ProtectedDict, self).__init__(*args, **kargs)
def __delattr__(self, name): "" if name in ('strict_check_reset', 'strict_check',): raise PlatformIDsCustomError("deletion not permitted for attribute: " + str(name)) return dict.__delattr__(self, name)
[docs] def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Filters and controls attribute values to be set. Args: name: Sets the attribute named by *name*. Establishes special handling for the in-band control attributes. **strict_check**: The value can only be raised to *True* in order to strengthen the strictness. **strict_check_reset**: If the value is set to *True*, than the member attribute '*strict_check*' is set to *False*. Else calls '*dict.__setattr__*'. value: The value is passed through to *dict*, see also for special values of *name*. Returns: Either filters defined control attributes - see *name*, or calls *dict.__setattr__*. Raises: pass-through """ if name == 'strict_check_reset' and value == True: return dict.__setattr__(self, 'strict_check', False) elif name == 'strict_check': if self.__dict__.get('strict_check'): if value != True: return # initial value, this could later only be modified to the 'stronger' True return dict.__setattr__(self, name, value) return dict.__setattr__(self, name, value)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Filter for already present mappings controlled by the member *strict_check*. Args: name: Sets the item named by *name*. Controlled by the attribute *strict_check*. :: self.strict_check := ( True # permits only creation of non-present | False # normal behaviour ) Dependent on the presence raises an exception when strict is enabled. value: The value is passed through to *dict*, see also for special values of *name*. Returns: dict.__setitem__ Raises: PlatformIDsPresentError Conditional based on *strict_check*, if *True* raises for present attributes *PlatformIDsPresentError*. PlatformIDsKeyError For non-int keys when *int_keys_only* is set. pass-through """ try: if dict.__getitem__(self, key): if self.strict_check: raise PlatformIDsPresentError("key-present: " + str(key)) return except KeyError: if self.int_keys_only and type(key) not in ISINT: raise PlatformIDsKeyError("Integer keys only: " + str(key)) return dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
[docs] def update(self, dict2, *args, **kargs): """Adds a set of items, filters each for presence. * none of the new set is present: adds all silently * at least one is present: * strict_check == True: raises exception * strict_check == False: add silently Args: dict2: Adds items controlled by the attribute *strict_check*. :: self.strict_check := ( True # permits only creation of non-present | False # normal behaviour ) Dependent on the presence of at least one raises an exception when strict is enabled. args: Passed to *dict.update*. kargs: Passed to *dict.update*. Returns: dict.update or None Raises: PlatformIDsPresentError Conditional based on *strict_check*, if *True* raises for present attributes *PlatformIDsPresentError*. PlatformIDsKeyError For non-int keys when *int_keys_only* is set. pass-through """ # should not be called frequently, thus ok. if self.int_keys_only: for k in dict2.keys(): if type(k) not in ISINT: if isJython: try: if type(k) is not long: # @UndefinedVariable raise PlatformIDsKeyError("Numeric keys only: " + str(k)) except: pass else: raise PlatformIDsKeyError("Numeric keys only: " + str(k)) if set(self.keys()) & set(dict2.keys()): # has keys already present if self.strict_check: # strict is enabled _str = [] # get list of present keys for x in set(self.keys()) & set(dict2.keys()): if type(x) in ISSTR: _str.append(x) else: _str.append(str(x)) # notify with complete list raise PlatformIDsPresentError( "keys-present:\n %s\n" % ( str(sorted(_str)))) else: # not in strict mode, thus normal procedure common = set(self.keys()) & set(dict2.keys()) for k, v in dict2.items(): if type(k) in common: continue self[k] = v else: # normal procedure return super(ProtectedDict, self).update(dict2, *args, **kargs)
[docs]class ProtectedDictEnum(ProtectedDict): """Implements the dynamic creation and management of numeric enumeration values. These are used as dynamic assigned constants with the life time of the process itself. The enums are optimized to be used in conjunction with numeric bitmask vectors. The values are created on-demand, e.g. for dynamic loaded packages, and could be removed when no longer required. Thus are released than for the reuse. The management of the unused numeric values for assignment is performed by two levels. 0. The value is managed by a protected counter within the defined range. 1. Once the values are exhausted, the dictionary is used as release map. This is required due to the possible storage of the values by the application, thus assigned values cannot be reassigned and though the ranges could become used sparse. This level is much slower, though it is based on the lookup and remove form the unused-map. And of course, previous releases has to be present |smilecool|. Anyhow, e.g. in case of *platformids* for the *ostype* and *dist* the ranges for the additional dynamic assigments in are about 100 for the distribution *dist*, about 25 for the OS type *ostype*, and about 12 for the category *category*. This should be in practical realworld use-cases more than sufficient. REMARK: Implemented as *dict* for coming extensions. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kargs): """Initializes key reservation. The custom range values has to comply to the bitmask segments. These define the minimal and maximal values in accordance to the common ranges by the mathematical notation: .. parsed-literal:: values := [custom_min, custom_max) # excluding custom_max The values could be processed by the application of the helper constants, see :ref:`Helper Constants <BITMASK_HELPERCONSTS>`. E.g. in case of *dist* for the *ostype* context of *RTE_LINUX* : .. parsed-literal:: custom_min == ((RTE_LINUX + RTE_DISTEXT + RTE_DIST_OFFSET + 0) & RTE_DIST_B) custom_max == ((RTE_LINUX + RTE_DISTEXT + RTE_DIST_OFFSET + 126) & RTE_DIST_B) or .. parsed-literal:: (custom_min >> 16) == 0 (custom_max >> 16) == 126 The caller is responsible for the appropriate values. Args: kargs: default pass-through to dict custom_max: Defines the maximum of custom range. When missing no custom range os available. .. parsed-literal:: custom_max > custom_min default := None custom_min: Defines the minimum of custom range. When missing no custom range os available. default := None custom_offset: Defines the offset for the increment and decrement. This is required e.g. in case of bitmask fields with segments starts at bits greater than 0. default := 0 Returns: Initialized object, or raises exception. Raises: PlatformIDsEnumerationError Erroneous custom range is provided. pass-through """ ProtectedDict.__setattr__(self, 'custom_offset', kargs.get('custom_offset', 0)) try: # drop for parent __init__ kargs.pop('custom_offset') except: pass # : the last permitted reservation _cm = kargs.get('custom_max', 0) ProtectedDict.__setattr__(self, 'custom_max', _cm) try: # drop for parent __init__ kargs.pop('custom_max') # the current ProtectedDict.__setattr__(self, 'reserved', _cm) except: # the current ProtectedDict.__setattr__(self, 'reserved', _cm) ProtectedDict.__setattr__(self, 'custom_min', kargs.get('custom_min', 0)) try: # drop for parent __init__ kargs.pop('custom_min') except: pass if self.custom_min > self.custom_max or (self.custom_min == self.custom_max and self.custom_min != 0): raise PlatformIDsEnumerationError( "Invalid custom range min = %s - max = %s" % (str(self.custom_min), str(self.custom_max)) ) kargs['int_keys_only'] = True super(ProtectedDictEnum, self).__init__(**kargs) # deleted non-continous entries = {}
[docs] def __delitem__(self, enum): """Prohibits unmanaged access to the enum pool, use method *delete_enum* instead for managed release. Args: enum: Enum key. Returns: Raises exception. Raises: PlatformIDsCustomError """ raise PlatformIDsCustomError("prohibits unmanaged access, use method delete_enum")
[docs] def __delattr__(self, name): """Protects the enumeration management attributes from deletion. Args: name: Excludes reserved attributes from deletion. :: name :=( 'reserved' | 'custom_min' | 'custom_max' ) Returns: None Raises: PlatformIDsEnumerationError pass-through """ if name in ('reserved', 'custom_min', 'custom_max',): raise PlatformIDsEnumerationError("attribute cannot be deleted: " + str(name)) return ProtectedDict.__delattr__(self, name)
[docs] def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Protects the enumeration management attributes from non-managed direct access. Args: name: Excludes reserved attributes from direct access. :: name :=( 'reserved' | 'custom_min' | 'custom_max' ) value: Value to be set. Returns: None Raises: PlatformIDsEnumerationError pass-through """ if name in ('reserved', 'custom_min', 'custom_max',): raise PlatformIDsEnumerationError("attribute cannot be set direct: " + str(name)) return ProtectedDict.__setattr__(self, name, value)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, enum, value): """Prohibits unmanaged access to the enum pool, use method *add_enum* instead for managed release. Args: enum: Enum key. Returns: Raises exception. Raises: PlatformIDsCustomError """ raise PlatformIDsCustomError("prohibits unmanaged access, use method add_enum")
[docs] def add_enum(self, value=True): """Reserves and assigns the next free unique key to the value. The assigned key value is returned for use. Custom ranges are available when the values *custom_max* and *custom_min* are initialized appropriately. Args: None. Returns: Either returns the reserved key, or raises exception when range is exhausted. Raises: PlatformIDsCustomError: No custom ranges are configured. PlatformIDsEnumerationError The configured range is exhausted. pass-through """ if # reuse released first _x = ProtectedDict.__setitem__(self, _x[0], value) return _x[0] else: if not self.reserved: # 0 is non active raise PlatformIDsCustomError( "No custom ranges are available" ) if self.reserved <= self.custom_min: raise PlatformIDsEnumerationError( "custom range exhausted" ) # get next key ProtectedDict.__setattr__(self, 'reserved', self.reserved - self.custom_offset - 1) # add value ProtectedDict.__setitem__(self, self.reserved, value) # return key for use return self.reserved
[docs] def check_next_free_enum(self): """Checks and returns the next free value. **Does not reserve, just displays next.** Args: None Returns: Value to be used by next call of *add_enum*. Raises: PlatformIDsCustomError: No custom ranges are configured. PlatformIDsEnumerationError Range exhausted, no free values are available. """ if not self.reserved: # 0 is non active raise PlatformIDsCustomError( "No custom ranges are available" ) if self.reserved > self.custom_min: return self.reserved # - self.custom_offset - 1 raise PlatformIDsEnumerationError( "Reserved range exhausted." )
[docs] def purge(self, **kargs): """Clears the list of deleted non-continous enums. Deletes all entries in the release map, which could be added incremental and continous to the reserved-list of vallues beginning at from *custom_min*. This re-initializes for the purged items the pure numeric first level assignement by ranges - spares for these the lookup in the non-continous list. Args: kargs: maxrel: Maximum to be released. minrel: Minimum to be released. Returns: Returns the number of actual releases. Raises: PlatformIDsEnumerationError: Could not fulfil *minrel*. pass-through """ minrel = kargs.get('minrel', 0) maxrel = kargs.get('maxrel', len( relcnt = 0 _n = len( for enum in sorted( if enum == self.reserved: # continous optimization at low-cost ProtectedDict.__setattr__(self, 'reserved', enum + self.custom_offset + 1) relcnt += 1 maxrel -= 1 if not maxrel: break else: # needs continous ranges beginning at self.custom_min / self.reserved break if minrel: if relcnt < minrel: raise PlatformIDsEnumerationError( "Could not release requested range: req = %d / done = %d / free = %d" % ( minrel, relcnt, (self.reserved - self.custom_min), ) ) return relcnt
[docs] def delete_enum(self, enum): """Releases a given enum, either continous values by changing the reserved values, or by adding a non-continous values to the dict of released items. The non-continous released items could be cleared by the method *purge*. Args: enum: Enum key. Returns: None. Raises: pass-through """ if enum == self.reserved: # continous optimization at low-cost ProtectedDict.__setattr__(self, 'reserved', enum + self.custom_offset + 1) self.pop(enum) return True[enum] = self.pop(enum) return True
[docs] def update(self, dict2, *args, **kargs): """Prohibits updates. This is required in order to avoid arbitrary updates which simply would complicate the management and assignment of further values. Thus only individual values could be added and removed. Args: None. Returns: Raises Exception. Raises: PlatformIDsEnumerationError """ raise PlatformIDsCustomError("operation not permitted: update")
# : mapping of the rte string and numeric representation to the numeric value rte2num = ProtectedDict( { 'bsd': RTE_BSD, 'darwin': RTE_DARWIN, 'emu': RTE_EMU, 'linux': RTE_LINUX, 'linux2': RTE_LINUX, 'nt': RTE_NT, 'wpemu': RTE_WPEMU, 'posix': RTE_POSIX, 'pwemu': RTE_PWEMU, 'unix': RTE_UNIX, 'win': RTE_WIN32, 'win32': RTE_WIN32, 'windows': RTE_WINDOWS, RTE_BSD: RTE_BSD, RTE_DARWIN: RTE_DARWIN, RTE_EMU: RTE_EMU, RTE_LINUX: RTE_LINUX, RTE_NT: RTE_NT, RTE_WPEMU: RTE_WPEMU, RTE_POSIX: RTE_POSIX, RTE_PWEMU: RTE_PWEMU, RTE_WIN32: RTE_WIN32, RTE_WINDOWS: RTE_WINDOWS, # # frequent used current subsets # 'SunOS5': RTE_SOLARIS, 'arch': RTE_ARCHLINUX, 'archlinux': RTE_ARCHLINUX, 'centos': RTE_CENTOS, 'debian': RTE_DEBIAN, 'fedora': RTE_FEDORA, 'openbsd': RTE_OPENBSD, 'openwrt': RTE_OPENWRT, 'osx': RTE_OSX, 'osx10': RTE_OSX10, 'raspbian': RTE_RASPBIAN, 'rhel': RTE_RHEL, 'solaris': RTE_SOLARIS, RTE_ARCHLINUX: RTE_ARCHLINUX, RTE_CENTOS: RTE_CENTOS, RTE_DEBIAN: RTE_DEBIAN, RTE_FEDORA: RTE_FEDORA, RTE_OPENBSD: RTE_OPENBSD, RTE_OPENWRT: RTE_OPENWRT, RTE_OSX10: RTE_OSX10, RTE_OSX: RTE_OSX, RTE_RASPBIAN: RTE_RASPBIAN, RTE_RHEL: RTE_RHEL, RTE_SOLARIS: RTE_SOLARIS, } ) # : mapping of the rte numeric representation to the string value # num2rte = { num2rte = ProtectedDict( { RTE_ARCHLINUX: 'archlinux', RTE_BSD: 'bsd', RTE_CENTOS: 'centos', RTE_DARWIN: 'darwin', RTE_DEBIAN: 'debian', RTE_EMU: 'emu', RTE_FEDORA: 'fedora', RTE_LINUX: 'linux', RTE_NT: 'nt', RTE_OPENBSD: 'openbsd', RTE_OPENBSD: 'openbsd', RTE_OPENWRT: 'openwrt', RTE_OSX10: 'osx10', RTE_WPEMU: 'wpemu', RTE_POSIX: 'posix', RTE_PWEMU: 'pwemu', RTE_RASPBIAN: 'raspbian', RTE_RHEL: 'rhel', RTE_SOLARIS: 'solaris', RTE_UNIX: 'unix', RTE_WIN32: 'win32', RTE_WINDOWS: 'windows', } ) # : For UI of command line tools, load on demand by update() # : see platformids.map_enum_labels num2enumstr = ProtectedDict( { # RTE_POSIX: "RTE_POSIX", # RTE_WINDOWS: "RTE_WINDOWS", } ) # : mapping of the rte numeric representation to the pretty string value # num2pretty = { num2pretty = ProtectedDict( { RTE_ARCHLINUX: 'Arch Linux', RTE_BSD: "Berkeley Software Distribution", RTE_CENTOS: "CentOS", RTE_DARWIN: "Darwin", RTE_DEBIAN: "Debian", RTE_FEDORA: "Fedora", RTE_LINUX: "Linux", RTE_NT: "NT", RTE_OPENBSD: "OpenBSD", RTE_WPEMU: "Windows-Emulation", RTE_POSIX: "POSIX", RTE_PWEMU: "POSIX-Windows-Emulation", RTE_RASPBIAN: "Raspbian", RTE_RHEL: "RHEL", RTE_UNIX: "Unix", RTE_WIN32: "Windows", RTE_WIN: "Windows", RTE_WINDOWS: "Windows", } ) # : registered callbacks for special handling of custom layout custom_rte_distrel2tuple = ProtectedDict( { # e.g. RTE_MINIX3: minix.platformids.my_distrel2tuple, } ) # : dynamic registry for custom *category* custom_category = ProtectedDictEnum( custom_min=0x90000000, custom_max=0xf0000000, custom_offset=0x0fffffff, ) # : dynamic registry for custom *ostype* custom_ostype = ProtectedDictEnum( custom_min=0x08000000, custom_max=0x0f800000, custom_offset=0x007fffff, ) # : dynamic registry for custom *dist* custom_dist = ProtectedDictEnum( custom_min=0x00410000, custom_max=0x007f0000, custom_offset=0x0000ffff, )
[docs]def get_modlocation(mname, mbase=None, mpaths=None, **kargs): """ Calls the *pythonids.get_modulelocation* function with specific default parameters for the *platformids*. Args: mbase: Base for module search paths by default within the subdirectory of *platformids*. The filepath name with a trailing separator. :: default := os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep The base path is used within the post-processing of the eventually matched path, thus has to be appropriate for each item of *mpaths*. mname: The relative path of the module in dotted *Python* notation. :: mname := ( <dotted-module-name-str> | <dotted-module-name-path-name-str> ) mpaths: List of module specific search paths for *platformids*, these are relative to *mbase*, :: default := [ 'dist', 'custom', 'net', 'embed', '', ] resulting in:: default := [ mbase + 'dist' + os.sep, mbase + 'custom' + os.sep, mbase + 'net' + os.sep, mbase + 'embed' + os.sep, mbase, ] kargs: permitrel: Permit the return of relative module names within *mpath*. If *False* absolute only, which is relative to an existing *sys.path* entry. :: permitrel := ( True, # returns a relative module name if within subtree False # returns in any case a module name relative to sys.path ) Sets relative base within *platformids* as the default: :: rbase = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + os.sep Returns: Returns in case of a match the resulting entry within *sys.modules*:: match -> (<relative-module-name>, <module-file-path-name>,) The default when no match occured is to rely on the more versatile search mechanism of the import implementation of the concrete *Python* implementation for another final trial by the caller:: default -> (<mname>, None,) Raises: PlatformIDsError 'mbase' does not match 'mpaths' PlatformIDsPresentError missing 'mbase' pass-through """ # not using sourceinfo package in order to avoid circular dependencies, # so keep platformids on lowest possible software-stack level _permitrel = kargs.get('permitrel', False) if _permitrel: rbase = kargs.get('rbase') if rbase == None: rbase = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep) + os.sep kargs['rbase'] = rbase if mbase == None: mbase = os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep mbase = os.path.normpath(mbase) + os.sep if mpaths == None: # default mpaths = [ mbase + 'dist' + os.sep, mbase + 'custom' + os.sep, mbase + 'net' + os.sep, mbase + 'embed' + os.sep, mbase , ] elif mpaths and mpaths[0]: # permit relative to mbase only for mi in range(len(mpaths)): mpaths[mi] = os.path.normpath(mbase + mpaths[mi]) + os.sep elif not mpaths: raise PlatformIDsPresentError("missing 'mpaths'") if mpaths and not mpaths[0].startswith(mbase): raise PlatformIDsError( "'mbase' does not match 'mpaths'\nmbase = %s\nmpaths[0] = %s" %( mbase, mpaths[0] ) ) return get_modulelocation(mname, mbase, mpaths, **kargs)
[docs]def decode_version_str_to_segments(v): """Split a version string separated by '.' into an integer array. :: decode_version_str_to_segments('1.22.17') => (1, 22, 17) decode_version_str_to_segments('2012.02.17') => (2012, 2, 17) decode_version_str_to_segments('10.0.1809') => (10, 0, 1809) A tiny utility - frequently required. Args: v: Version string with maximal 3 digits:: ('1.2.3') => (1, 2, 3) ('1.2') => (1, 2, 0) ('1') => (1, 0, 0) Returns: Tuple of *int*. :: ('1.2.3') => (1, 2, 3) ('1.2') => (1, 2, 0) ('1') => (1, 0, 0) In case an error occured:: (0, 0, 0) Raises: None. """ # see manual def tonum(x): try: return int(x) except ValueError: if x == '': return 0 raise return tuple([tonum(x) for x in VERSNUM.split(v)[1:4]])
[docs]def encode_rte_to_32bit(**kargs): """Encodes the provided 32bit bitmask of each field into the combined integer value of the bitmask vector. Args: kargs: category: The numeric 32bit bitmask of the category: :: category := ( <int-enum> | <category-key> ) int-enum: the integer enum, preferbly a predefined value-by-var category-key: the key value as string to be evaluated by one of:: *rte2num*: the common mapping dictionary *get_rte2num*: the function interface for *rte2num* default is 0 ostype: The numeric 32bit bitmask of the ostype:: ostype := ( <int-enum> | <ostype-key> ) int-enum: the integer enum, preferbly a predefined value-by-var ostype-key: the key value as string to be evaluated by one of:: *rte2num*: the common mapping dictionary *get_rte2num*: the function interface for *rte2num* default is 0. dist: The numeric 32bit bitmask of the dist:: ostype := ( <int-enum> | <dist-key> ) int-enum: the integer enum, preferbly a predefined value-by-var dist-key: the key value as string to be evaluated by one of:: *rte2num*: the common mapping dictionary *get_rte2num*: the function interface for *rte2num* default is 0. distrel: The numeric 32bit encoded integer for the distrel, default is 0. Returns: The 32bit compressed bitmask of the RTE. Raises: pass-through """ return ( get_rte2num(kargs.get('category', 0)) | get_rte2num(kargs.get('ostype', 0)) | get_rte2num(kargs.get('dist', 0)) | get_rte2num(kargs.get('distrel', 0)) )
[docs]def encode_rte_segments_to_32bit(**kargs): """Converts the numeric base values of the fields into a 32bit bitmask and encodes them into the combined integer value of the bitmask vector. Args: kargs: category: The non-shifted base value of the category:: category := ( <int-val> ) int-val: the relative integer value of the category bits default is 0 ostype: The non-shifted base value of the ostype:: ostype := ( <int-val> ) int-val: the relative integer value of the ostype bits default is 0. dist: The non-shifted base value of the dist:: dist := ( <int-val> ) int-val: the relative integer value of the dist bits default is 0. distrel: The non-shifted encoded base value of the distrel, default is 0. Returns: The 32bit compressed bitmask of the RTE. Raises: pass-through """ return ( kargs.get('category', 0) << 28 | kargs.get('ostype', 0) << 23 | kargs.get('dist', 0) << 16 | kargs.get('distrel', 0) )
[docs]def fetch_platform_distribution(): """Scans the platform and returns the complete distribution data prepared for common post-processing. Args: none Returns: Returns the information about the current distribution. :: result := ( <lowercase-dist-id>, # 0: lower case str including release number <dist-release-number-str>, # 1: the release number as string <original-literal-release-name>, # 2: case sensitive release name <original-literal-dist-name>, # 3: case sensitive distribution name <dist-release-number-list>, # 4: release version as list of int <lowercase-dist->, # 5: lower case str of dist name only ) Raises: PlatformIDsError """ # # provides a resulting canonical record, see manual # the most reliable and common code is to rely on the configuration files # 0: <lowercase-dist-id>, # lower case str # 1: <dist-release-number-str>, # string # 2: <original-literal-release-name>, # case sensitive str # 3: <original-literal-dist-name>, # case sensitive str # 4: <dist-release-number-list>, # list of int # 5: <lowercase-dist->, # lower case str of dist name only # if category & RTE_POSIX == RTE_POSIX: dist = ['', '', '', '', []] # # a lot has to be evaluated by various extras - including some /etc/* # this is in particular the case for derived dist # if os.path.exists("/etc/redhat-release"): # rhel, centos, fedora, sc, oel, ... with open("/etc/redhat-release", 'r') as f: for l in f: # hopefully one only if l: dist = re.split(r'(?s)^([^0-9]*) release *([0-9.]*[^ ]*) [^(]*[(]([^)]*)[)][\n\t ]*$', l) if dist[1].startswith('CentOS'): import platformids.dist.centos return tuple(platformids.dist.centos.dist) elif dist[1].startswith('Red H'): import platformids.dist.rhel return tuple(platformids.dist.rhel.dist) elif dist[1].startswith('Fedora'): import platformids.dist.fedora return tuple(platformids.dist.fedora.dist) elif dist[1].startswith('Oracle'): import platformids.dist.oraclelinux return tuple(platformids.dist.oraclelinux.dist) else: dist.pop(0) dist[0] = dist[0].lower() + re.sub(r'[.-_]', '', dist[1]) dist.append(dist[3].lower()) return tuple(dist) elif os.path.exists("/etc/armbian-release"): import platformids.embed.armbian return tuple(platformids.embed.armbian.dist) elif os.path.exists("/etc/arch-release"): # loads ArchLinux defines, a later stage loads an eventually derived distribution import platformids.dist.archlinux return tuple(platformids.dist.archlinux.dist) elif os.path.exists("/etc/alpine-release"): # loads ArchLinux defines, a later stage loads an eventually derived distribution import platformids.dist.alpinelinux return tuple(platformids.dist.alpinelinux.dist) elif os.path.exists("/etc/gentoo-release"): # loads ArchLinux defines, a later stage loads an eventually derived distribution import platformids.dist.gentoo return tuple(platformids.dist.gentoo.dist) elif os.path.exists("/etc/os-release"): # debian, raspbian, etc. # openSUSE # sles??? if os.path.exists("/etc/debian_version"): dist = ['debian', '', '', 'Debian', ''] with open("/etc/debian_version", 'r') as f: for l in f: dist[1] = re.split(r'(?s)^([0-9.]*).*$', l)[1] dist[4] = decode_version_str_to_segments(dist[1]) else: dist = ['', '', '', '', ''] _ver = '' _name = '' with open("/etc/os-release", 'r') as f: for l in f: if l.startswith('ID='): dist[0] = DSKORG_ID.sub(r'\1', l) elif l.startswith('VERSION='): # priority though more widespread _ver = l elif l.startswith('VERSION_ID=') and not _ver: # Ubuntu, redundant in Slackware _ver = l elif l.startswith('NAME='): _nam = l if dist[0].startswith('raspbian'): import platformids.embed.raspbian return tuple(platformids.embed.raspbian.dist) elif dist[0].startswith('kali'): import return tuple( elif os.path.exists("/etc/openwrt_release"): import return tuple( elif dist[0].startswith('debian'): import platformids.dist.debian return tuple(platformids.dist.debian.dist) elif dist[0].startswith('ubuntu'): import platformids.dist.ubuntu return tuple(platformids.dist.ubuntu.dist) elif dist[0].startswith('opensuse'): import platformids.dist.opensuse return tuple(platformids.dist.opensuse.dist) else: # loads module in second stage only by direct import _l = DSKORG_RELEASE.split(_ver) dist.append(dist[0]) dist[0] += re.sub(r'[.]', '', _l[1]) dist[1] = _l[1] dist[3] = re.sub(r'NAME=(.*)[\n]*', r'\1', _nam) dist[2] = dist[3] + '-' + _l[1] dist[4] = decode_version_str_to_segments(_l[1]) return tuple(dist) elif (os.path.exists('/etc/pfSense-rc')): import return tuple( elif ( sys.platform.startswith('openbsd') # OpenBSD - CPython, PyPy, IPython or os.path.exists('/bsd.booted') # OpenBSD - match on Jython ): import platformids.dist.openbsd return tuple(platformids.dist.openbsd.dist) elif ( sys.platform.startswith('cygwin') or os.path.exists('/cygdrive') # rely on standard path only for now ): # Cygwin is a bit special as it mimics POSIX, # but runs the OS windows. import platformids.dist.cygwin return tuple(platformids.dist.cygwin.dist) elif ( sys.platform.startswith('freebsd') # FreeBSD - CPython, PyPy, IPython or os.path.exists('/etc/freebsd-update.conf') # FreeBSD - match on Jython ): import platformids.dist.freebsd return tuple(platformids.dist.freebsd.dist) elif ( sys.platform.startswith('netbsd') # NetBSD - CPython, PyPy, IPython or os.path.exists('/etc/netbsd-update.conf') # NetBSD - match on Jython ): import platformids.dist.netbsd return tuple(platformids.dist.netbsd.dist) elif ( sys.platform.startswith('sunos5') # Solaris10 + Solaris11 - CPython, PyPy, IPython or os.path.exists('/etc/release') # Solaris10 + Solaris11 - match on Jython ): import platformids.dist.solaris return tuple(platformids.dist.solaris.dist) elif ( sys.platform.startswith('darwin') # Solaris10 + Solaris11 - CPython, PyPy, IPython or os.path.exists('/System/Library/Components/AppleScript.component') # Solaris10 + Solaris11 - match on Jython ): import platformids.dist.darwin return tuple(platformids.dist.darwin.dist) else: try: # default for unknown POSIX system _u = os.uname() # @UndefinedVariable dist = [ '', re.sub(r'([0-9.]*).*', '\1', _u[2]), '', re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z-_]*).*', '\1', _u[0]), '', ] dist[0] = dist[3].lower() dist[2] = dist[3] + '-' + dist[1] dist[4] = dist[1].split('.') dist.append(dist[3].lower()) return tuple(dist) except: return ('', '', '', '', '', '',) elif category & RTE_WIN32 == RTE_WIN32: # # windows support of NT-releases including Windows10IoT # from import WinVersion return tuple(WinVersion().readout_versioninfo_ext()) else: raise PlatformIDsError("Platform not supported: " + str(osname))
[docs]def fetch_platform_distribution_num(): """The numeric version of 'fetch_platform_distribution'. Args: none Returns: Returns the information about the current distribution. :: result := ( #dist, # 0: distribution identifier #distrel, # 1: distribution release identifier #dist-release-number-list>, # 2: release version as list of int ) Raises: PlatformIDsError """ # # provides a resulting canonical record, see manual # # 0: <category>, # category # 1: <ostype>, # ostype # 2: <dist>, # dist # 3: <distrel>, # distrel # 4: <hexversion>, # hexversion of platform distribution release # 5: <producttype>, # producttype # return ( fetch_category(), fetch_ostype(), fetch_dist(), 0, fetch_rte_hexversion(), 0, )
[docs]def fetch_platform_os(): """Scans the platform and returns the information on the OS including the name and the release version. The name of the OS is commonly basically the kernel name. The *ostype* of *linux* has one common kernel only, while OS in the *bsd* and *unix* family commonly have distribution specific customized kernels. Args: none Returns: Returns the information about the current os. :: res = ( <lowercase-os-id>, # osname: lower case str of os name <os-release-number-str>, # osrel: string of os release version <os-release-number-list>, # osrel: list of int of os release version <lowercase-os-rel-id>, # osname+osrel: lower case str rel + id ) Raises: PlatformIDsError """ if isJython: # Jython uname targets the JVM - need the actual underlying OS on = PRENONNUM.sub(r'\1', platform.System.getProperty('').lower()) # @UndefinedVariable ov = decode_version_str_to_segments(platform.System.getProperty('os.version')) # @UndefinedVariable return ( on, '%d.%d.%d' % ov, ov, on + '-%d.%d.%d' % ov ) k = platform.uname() if osname == 'posix': if k[0][-3:] == 'BSD': # the kernel release is the same as the distrel ov = decode_version_str_to_segments(k[2]) return( k[0], k[2], ov, "%s%d%d" % (k[0], ov[0], ov[1]) ) elif k[0] == 'SunOS': if k[2] == '5.10': # assume this release version more or less static for now _patch = re.compile(r'Generic_([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)') # e.g. Generic_147148-26 -> 14714826 _p = _patch.sub(r"\1\2", k[3]) return( 'sunos', '5.10.0', (5, 10, 0, int(_p)), 'sunos5100' ) elif k[2] == '5.11': # for now - until 2021++??? - the future of Solaris remains nebulous and unsafe ver = decode_version_str_to_segments(k[3]) return( 'sunos', '5.' + k[3], (5, 11, int(ver[-2])), 'sunos511' + str(ver[-2]) ) ov = decode_version_str_to_segments(k[2]) return ( k[0].lower(), "%d.%d.%d" % (ov[0], ov[1], ov[2],), ov, "%s%d%d%d" % (k[0].lower(), ov[0], ov[1], ov[2],) ) elif osname == 'nt': if k[0] == 'Windows': ov = decode_version_str_to_segments(k[2]) return ( 'nt100', k[2], ov, "%s%d%d%d" % (k[0], ov[0], ov[1], ov[2],) ) ov = decode_version_str_to_segments(k[3]) return ( k[0].lower(), k[3], ov, "%s%d%d%d" % (k[0], ov[0], ov[1], ov[2],) ) else: raise Exception("Platform not supported: " + str(osname))
[docs]def fetch_platform_os_num(): """The numeric version of '`fetch_platform_os <#fetch-platform-os>`_'. Args: none Returns: Returns the information about the current os. :: res = ( <enum-os-id>, # osname: lower case str of os name <32bit-os-release-number>, # osrel: string of os release version <os-release-number-list>, # osrel: list of int of os release version <enum-os-rel-id>, # osname+osrel: lower case str rel + id ) Raises: PlatformIDsError """ # # provides a resulting canonical record, see manual # # 0: <numeric-dist-id>, # lower case str # 1: <dist-release-number-str>, # enum # 2: <original-literal-release-name>, # case sensitive str # 3: <numeric-dist>, # enum # 4: <dist-release-number-list>, # list of int # 5: <numeric-dist->, # enum # _r = fetch_platform_os() return ( get_rte2num(_r[0]), 0, 0, get_rte2num(_r[3]), 0, get_rte2num(_r[5]), # 0: <lowercase-dist-id>, # lower case str # 1: <dist-release-number-str>, # string # 2: <original-literal-release-name>, # case sensitive str # 3: <original-literal-dist-name>, # case sensitive str # 4: <dist-release-number-list>, # list of int # 5: <lowercase-dist->, # lower case str of dist name only )
[docs]def fetch_category(): """Scans the platform and returns the numeric id for the current *category*. Args: none Returns: Returns the *category*. :: res = <category-bits><ostype-bits-zero><dist-bits-zero><distrel-bits-zero> Raises: PlatformIDsError """ try: return rte2num[osname] except KeyError: raise Exception("Platform category not supported: " + str(osname))
[docs]def fetch_ostype(): """Scans the platform and returns the numeric id for the current *ostype*. Args: none Returns: Returns the *ostype* as integer enum. The bitmask includes the *category*. :: res = <category-bits><ostype-bits><dist-bits-zero><distrel-bits-zero> Raises: PlatformIDsError """ if osname == 'posix': if isJython: # _os = sys.getNativePlatform() # Available for 2.7.1+ # _os = platform.System.getProperty('').lower() # @UndefinedVariable # seems 2.0+ try: return rte2num[platform.System.getProperty('').lower()] & RTE_OSTYPE # @UndefinedVariable except KeyError: k = platform.dist() raise Exception("OS type not supported: %s.%s (platform.dist=%s)" % (str(osname), str(k[0]), str(k))) else: k = platform.uname() if k[0] == 'Linux': return RTE_POSIX | RTE_LINUX elif k[0][-3:] == 'BSD': return RTE_POSIX | RTE_BSD else: try: # results on most supported OS for sys.platform: # # correct as ostype, with minor fuzz # cygwin, darwin # linux, linux2 # sunos5 # win32 # # not exactly correct, these are distributions or almost distribution-releases # dragonfly5, freebsd11, netbsd8, openbsd6 # # minix3 # # some additional non-ostype # cli # java10.0.1, java11.0.2, java1.8.0_131, ... the jre/jdk - the world is encapsulated... # # SOLUTION: matches pre-registered and isolates ostype # return rte2num[sys.platform] & RTE_OSTYPE except KeyError: k = platform.dist() raise Exception("OS type not supported: %s.%s (platform.uname=%s)" % (str(osname), str(k[0]), str(k))) elif osname == 'nt': return RTE_WIN | RTE_NT else: # default pure dynamic by registration try: return rte2num[k[0].lower()] & RTE_OSTYPE # @UndefinedVariable except KeyError: raise Exception("Platform not supported: " + str(osname))
[docs]def fetch_dist(): """Scans the platform and returns the numeric id for the current *dist*. Args: none Returns: Returns the *dist* as integer enum. The bitmask includes the *category* and *ostype*. :: res = <category-bits><ostype-bits><dist-bits><distrel-bits-zero> Raises: PlatformIDsError """ _d = fetch_platform_distribution() try: return rte2num[_d[5]] except KeyError: return get_rte2num(_d[5])
[docs]def fetch_dist_tuple(): """Scans the platform and returns the complete tuple for the current *dist*. Args: none Returns: Returns the complete tuple of information related to a distribution. :: res = (<distid-string>, <distrel-string>, <distrel-tuple>, <ditst-rel-key-string>) Raises: PlatformIDsError """ _d = fetch_platform_distribution() return ( _d[5], _d[1], _d[4], _d[0], )
# # first try the pre-scanned module offline created by # _impmodname = None try: with open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + "setup_platform", 'r') as f: _impmodname = f # # if # for l in f: # # dist = re.split(r'(?s)^([^0-9]*) release *([0-9.]*[^ ]*) [^(]*[(]([^)]*)[)][\n\t ]*$', l) # dist.pop(0) # dist[-1] = dist[0] except: pass # # assign numeric value for current run time environment for dist(or windows) # the resulting value bootstraps the load of the details of the release distrel # exceptions: # some known are pre-loaded: windows # some known are hardcoded: see previous defines, e.g. some major Linux dists # # try to resolve the hierarchy as deep as possible # it is basically the pre-load bootstrap, so the database is not reliable yet for non-standard # if osname == 'posix': if ( os.path.exists("/etc/redhat-release") or os.path.exists("/etc/os-release") ): try: RTE = rte2num[fetch_platform_distribution()[5]] except KeyError: for r in rte2num.keys(): # iterate for something seems to be known # ATTENTION: there are ambiguities, e.g. for debian derived if type(r) in ISINT: continue if sys.platform.startswith(r): RTE = rte2num[r] else: # for now we only know the category RTE = RTE_POSIX elif sys.platform.startswith('openbsd'): RTE = RTE_OPENBSD elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): RTE = RTE_DARWIN elif os.path.exists("/etc/openwrt_release"): RTE = RTE_OPENWRT elif sys.platform.startswith('sunos5'): # RTE = RTE_UNIX RTE = RTE_SOLARIS elif sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): RTE = RTE_PWEMU else: RTE = RTE_POSIX elif osname == 'nt': # due to required special handling loads initially the complete windows set RTE = RTE_WIN32 elif osname == 'java': # it is jython, # so have to pierce the encapsulation for getting the native platform parameters - want to do it in Python RTE = 0 try: _snp = sys.getNativePlatform() # @UndefinedVariable RTE = rte2num[_snp] except (NameError, AttributeError): if platform.linux_distribution()[0]: RTE = RTE_LINUX if os.path.exists("/etc/openwrt_release"): RTE = RTE_OPENWRT elif ( os.path.exists("/etc/redhat-release") or os.path.exists("/etc/os-release") ): try: RTE = rte2num[fetch_platform_distribution()[5]] except KeyError: for r in rte2num.keys(): if type(r) in ISINT: continue if platform.linux_distribution()[0].lower().startswith(r): RTE = rte2num[r] else: RTE = RTE_POSIX # elif sys.platform.startswith('openbsd'): # RTE = RTE_OPENBSD # # elif sys.platform.startswith('sunos5'): # RTE = RTE_SOLARIS # # elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): # RTE = RTE_DARWIN # elif sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): RTE = RTE_PWEMU else: RTE = RTE_POSIX elif platform.mac_ver()[0]: RTE = RTE_DARWIN elif platform.win32_ver()[0]: RTE = RTE_WIN32 if not RTE: raise PlatformIDsError("Unknown platform: " + str(_snp)) else: raise Exception("Platform not supported") # # check setup dist exists, if not try dynamic evaluation # if not _impmodname or not os.path.exists(_impmodname): try: _impmodname = num2rte[RTE] except KeyError: if RTE == RTE_WIN32: _impmodname = 'windows' else: raise PlatformIDsError("not supported, requires:" + str(num2rte.values())) # # once the bootstrap module is selected load it # loads the required module only for the current dist(or windows) # modnamerel, modfpath = get_modlocation(_impmodname) if modfpath == None: # system data - prohibit redefinition of present system data if RTE & RTE_WIN32 or (RTE & RTE_PWEMU) == RTE_PWEMU: mbase_altbase = os.environ['CommonProgramFiles'] + os.sep + 'platformids' else: mbase_altbase = os.sep + 'etc' + os.sep + 'platformids' # alternate data - prohibit redefinition of present data if not os.path.exists(mbase_altbase): mbase_altbase = os.getenv('PLATFORMIDS_ALTBASE', None) if mbase_altbase != None: modnamerel, modfpath = get_modlocation(_impmodname, mbase=mbase_altbase, ) # user data if RTE & RTE_WIN32 or (RTE & RTE_PWEMU) == RTE_PWEMU: mbase_altbase = os.environ['LOCALAPPDATA'] + os.sep + 'platformids' if not os.path.exists(mbase_altbase) and RTE & RTE_LINUX: mbase_altbase = os.environ['HOME'] + os.sep + '.config' + os.sep + 'platformids' if not mbase_altbase or not os.path.exists(mbase_altbase): mbase_altbase = os.environ['HOME'] + os.sep + 'platformids' try: # load module by file system path name load_module(_impmodname, modfpath) except KeyError: # continue with generic pass
[docs]def fetch_rte_hexversion(): """Retrieves the bitmask encoding for current runtime environemnt. Args: None. Returns: The encoded bitmask to be used for caching and *RTE*. Raises: pass-through """ ret = 0 try: _pi = fetch_platform_distribution() ret = rte2num[_pi[0]] # here it is at least one defined as present except KeyError: # no mapping available, # try next 'nearest' version to be expected compatible - for now cutting minor version numbers, # if not found step up the hierarchy "category.ostype.dist.distrel" # # TODO: adapt a better strategy, decrement major version - BUT for all platform version schemes! # # 1. try version steps for rx in range(len(_pi[4]), 0, -1): _k = _pi[5] + ''.join((str(x) for x in _pi[4][:rx])) try: ret = rte2num[_k] except KeyError: pass if not ret: try: # 2. try dist name ret = rte2num[_pi[5]] except KeyError: try: # 3. try ostype ret = rte2num[fetch_platform_os()[0]] except KeyError: try: # 4. try category ret = rte2num[fetch_platform_distribution()] except KeyError: ret = rte2num[fetch_platform_os()] return ret
# # here we have the *dist*, so now set the actual release of the distribution *distrel*, when present RTE = fetch_rte_hexversion() # # set: generic # # : Use the current block-offset only, # : results in the current platformm enum. RTE_GENERIC = RTE & RTE_POSIX & RTE_WIN32 # : Dyanmic local platform, synonym for generic. RTE_LOCAL = RTE_GENERIC + 1
[docs]def decode_rte_category_to_num(rte=RTE): """Decodes the compressed category from the 32bit integer bitmask into the corresponding integer enum. Args: rte: The comppressed runtime environment identifier bitmask. default := RTE Returns: Integer value of the category enum. Raises: pass-through """ return (get_rte2num(rte) & RTE_CATEGORY)
[docs]def decode_rte_ostype_to_num(rte=RTE): """Decodes the compressed ostype from the 32bit integer bitmask into the corresponding integer enum. Args: rte: The comppressed runtime environment identifier bitmask. default := RTE Returns: Integer value of the ostype enum. Raises: pass-through """ return (get_rte2num(rte) & RTE_OSTYPE)
[docs]def decode_rte_dist_to_num(rte=RTE): """Decodes the compressed dist from the 32bit integer bitmask into the corresponding integer enum. Recognizes the *ostype* domain e.g. for *RTE_NT*. Args: rte: The comppressed runtime environment identifier bitmask. default := RTE Returns: Integer value of the dist enum. Raises: pass-through """ return (get_rte2num(rte) & RTE_DIST)
[docs]def decode_rte_distrel_to_num(rte=RTE): """Decodes the compressed distrel from the 32bit integer bitmask into the corresponding integer enum. Recognizes the *ostype* and *dist* domain, the distrel extension flag. Args: rte: The comppressed runtime environment identifier bitmask. default := RTE Returns: Integer value of the encoded distrel. Raises: pass-through """ return (get_rte2num(rte) & RTE_DISTREL)
[docs]def decode_rte_distrel_to_segments(rte=RTE): """Decodes the compressed distrel from the 32bit integer bitmask into the corresponding tuple of integer segments. This is probably one of the most important functions, because it has the knowledge to split *distrel* including calling a custom-callback function when required. Recognizes the *ostype* and *dist* domain, the *distrel* extension flag in order to determine the further processing. The supported special cases of known and pre-loaded standard distributions are hardcoded for better performance here, currently these are: :: ArchLinux, KaliLinux Windows-NT BlackArch, Gentoo, Armbian, ArchLinux, BlackArch, Gentoo, KaliLinux Args: rte: The comppressed runtime environment identifier bitmask. default := RTE Returns: Tuple of Integer values of the encoded segments, either as defined by the default layout, or any known as defined by additional extended and/or custom criteria. Raises: pass-through """ try: _rte = rte2num[rte] except KeyError: if type(rte) in ISINT: # can split basically any number, let's see... _rte = rte elif decode_version_str_to_segments(rte): # assume is a valid version string return decode_version_str_to_segments(rte) else: raise PlatformIDsUnknownError("Not registered distrel = " + str(rte)) if _rte & RTE_OSTYPE == RTE_NT: # known specials - Windows-NT return ( _rte & 0xffff, 0, 0, ) elif _rte & RTE_OSTYPE == RTE_LINUX and _rte & RTE_DISTEXT: if (_rte & RTE_DIST) in (RTE_KALI, RTE_ARCHLINUX,): # known specials - date based rolling distros # fixed offset to 1970 - the UNIX-time return ( ((_rte & 0xfe00) >> 9) + 1970, (_rte & 0x01e0) >> 5, _rte & 0x001f, ) elif _rte & RTE_DIST in custom_rte_distrel2tuple.keys(): # registered specials - call custom callback return custom_rte_distrel2tuple[_rte & RTE_DIST](rte) # default handler - see docu for '3-number-default' return ( (_rte & 0xfc00) >> 10, (_rte & 0x03e0) >> 5, _rte & 0x001f, )
[docs]def decode_rte_to_segments(rte=RTE): """Decodes the compressed components from the 32bit integer bitmask into the corresponding segments of relative integer values. Args: rte: The comppressed runtime environment identifier bitmask. default := RTE Returns: Tuple of integer values of the components. :: ret := => (#category-bits, #ostype-bits, #dist-bits, #distrel-bits) Where the following os true: :: rte == #category-bits << 28 | #ostype-bits << 23 | #dist-bits << 16 | #distrel-bits rte == encode_rte_segments_to_32bit(#category-bits, #ostype-bits, #dist-bits, #distrel-bits) rte == encode_rte_segments_to_32bit( *decode_rte_to_segments( rte ) ) Raises: pass-through """ rte = get_rte2num(rte) return ((rte & RTE_CATEGORY_B), (rte & RTE_OSTYPE_B), (rte & RTE_DIST_B), (rte & RTE_DISTREL_B))
[docs]def decode_rte_to_tuple(rte=RTE): """Decodes the compressed components from the 32bit integer bitmask into the corresponding tuple of partial integer enums. Args: rte: The comppressed runtime environment identifier bitmask. default := RTE Returns: Tuple of integer values of the components. :: ret := => (#category-num, #ostype-num, #dist-num, #distrel-num) Where the following os true: :: ret == #category-num | #ostype-num | #dist-num | #distrel-num ret == #category-num + #ostype-num + #dist-num + #distrel-num Raises: pass-through """ rte = get_rte2num(rte) return ((rte & RTE_CATEGORY), (rte & RTE_OSTYPE), (rte & RTE_DIST), (rte & RTE_DISTREL))
[docs]def decode_rte_to_tuple_str(rte=RTE): """Decodes the compressed components from the 32bit integer bitmask into the corresponding tuple of string keywords. Args: rte: The comppressed runtime environment identifier bitmask. default := RTE Returns: Tuple of keywords of string values for the components. :: ret := => (<category>, <ostype>, <dist>, <distrel>) Raises: pass-through """ try: try: _rte = rte2num[rte] # requires registered strings except KeyError: if type(rte) not in ISINT: # currently converting strings only if registered raise # so is an numeric rte - seems at least to be _rte = rte if (_rte & RTE_OSTYPE) == RTE_NT: # return ( get_num2rte(_rte & RTE_CATEGORY), get_num2rte(_rte & RTE_OSTYPE), get_num2rte(_rte & RTE_DIST), get_num2rte(_rte & RTE_DIST) + str(_rte & RTE_DISTREL_B) ) elif _rte & RTE_DISTEXT: # return ( get_num2rte(_rte & RTE_CATEGORY), get_num2rte(_rte & RTE_OSTYPE), get_num2rte(_rte & RTE_DIST), get_num2rte(_rte & RTE_DISTREL) ) else: # default handler - with expected table entries return ( num2rte[(_rte & RTE_CATEGORY)], num2rte[(_rte & RTE_OSTYPE)], num2rte[(_rte & RTE_DIST)], num2rte[(_rte & RTE_DISTREL)] ) except: if type(rte) in ISINT: pass
[docs]def get_num2rte(num): """Gets the corresponding string representation for the string numeric value. Alternatively the official dict *num2rte* could be used. Args: num: Numeric enum value of the requested platform. Returns: The string value, or *None**. Raises: None """ if type(num) not in ISINT: return str(num) return num2rte.get(num)
[docs]def get_rte2num(rte): """Gets corresponding numerical representation for the numeric or string value. Alternatively the official dict *rte2num* could be used. Args: rte: Numeric enum value or string representation of the requested platform. Returns: The numeric value, or *None**. Raises: None """ if type(rte) in ISINT: return rte # # do not want to mix it up with platforms due to arising circular dependencies than # try: return rte2num.get(rte) except TypeError: raise PlatformIDsError( "TypeError: requires a valid key for 'platformids.rte2num' (int, str)- got:" + str(type(rte)))
[docs]def set_num2rte(key, value): """Sets the numeric to string map. Alternatively the official dict *num2rte* could be used. Args: key: Numeric key value. value: String value. Returns: None Raises: PlatformIDsError """ if type(key) != int: raise PlatformIDsError("requires a int key, got: " + str(key)) if type(value) not in ISSTR: raise PlatformIDsError("requires a string value, got: " + str(value)) num2rte[key] = value
[docs]def set_rte2num(key, value): """Sets the rte to numeric mapping Alternatively the official dict *rte2num* could be used. Args: key: Numeric or string key value. value: Numeric value. Returns: None Raises: None """ if type(value) != int: raise PlatformIDsError("requires an int value, got: " + str(value)) rte2num[key] = value
# 4debug pass